
Petroleum Experts (PETEX): MOVE Software Licences

The Chair of Geology and Economic Geology is happy to announce that PETEX has donated academic licenses of the industry standard 'MOVE' software suite, at a value of £ 1,872,218.26 (UK Sterling). This generous donation will allow our department to teach digital mapping and 3-d block model generation using their world renowned software.
Petroleum Experts (Petex) is an industry leading company focused on developing petroleum engineering software for the oil and gas industry as well as 2-d and 3-d geologic modeling software.

Geologische links

Österreichische Geologische Gesellschaft ÖGG

Geologische Bundesanstalt GBA

Österreichische Mineralogische Gesellschaft ÖMG

Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe BGR